bookmark_borderLike Trump, my Court Battles Continue into the New Year

So, the criminal candidate’s legal issues continue and so do mine. Currently waiting on a State Court to issue a ruling (that I’ll probably have to appeal). Also waiting for the Federal government to reply to my appeal to the Second Circuit and for them to produce some documents for my FOIA lawsuit. Also, as per the previous post, I sent a “Hail Mary” to the SCOTUS overlord for the Eighth Circuit.

That Hail Mary inspired me to send a letter to Joseph Morelle to ask him to initiate some desperately needed criminal justice reform. Making me think that I may have to become an “activist”…

bookmark_borderWhen Trump Goes to Prison

As I predicted at this time in 2022, 2023 was going to be a very bad year for Trump. Now, as 2024 approaches I’ll go ahead and predict that Trump will have it worse in 2024, because he’s going to prison.

Going to a low or minimum class Federal Prison will be horrible for Trump, who’s used to being pampered. He’ll probably get to self surrender (where you go to the assigned prison and ring the doorbell). And – as long as he’s below 12 years – (my guess is that he’ll get a sentence of 5 to 10 years due to his age) he’ll go to a prison camp, where he’ll sit around and watch TV and meet with his lawyers daily. After a year or two of camp confinement, the BOP will decide he can serve the rest of his sentence on home confinement, because he’ll have to serve 85% of his sentence because “the feds”, which is calculated in months. So if he gets 5 years (my best guess) he’ll have to serve 51 months. SO he’ll be at the camp for about 12 to 24 months, then serve the remaining at his resort.

The wildcard in his incarceration saga is the very serious RICO charges in Georgia, if convicted there he’ll have to serve time in a Georgia State Prison. That would be bad, I doubt he’d survive being incarcerated there, which I’ve read is a much hasher environment than “club fed”.

SO… The Stakes couldn’t be any higher, get your popcorn.

bookmark_borderWhen it looks like a conspiracy… IT IS

I submit that when it looks like a conspiracy, it probably is… While, it’s not (in theory) inconceivable that a handful of people – operating on their own – with inadvertently aligned interests are capable of producing something that looks like a conspiracy; I believe that the probability that this could explain the actions of all the players in my prosecution is absolutely nil.

So, whether (or not) something conspiratorial actually occurred cannot be proven without a considerable amount evidence and I think I’ve attained that threshold with the discovery of the shill’s final report on the NIT. Therefore, my FOIA request (currently in litigation) will be the icing on the conspiratorial cake.

Here’s what I can prove:

In December of 2014, my CJA attorney hired the Shills – without my permission – instead of the experts I wanted (Dr. Mercuri’s Team). The Shills charged more per hour, $300 vs $275 and they had no criminal law expert witness experience – unlike Mercuri. Mercuri declared in her letter (posted earlier) that she knew the “just a flash application” explanation was nonsense and that she would examine my Linux Computer, the shills did neither.

In January of 2015, the shills examined the wrong server – out of a choice of three – that were clearly labeled by name. My NIT Report clearly says it’s for TB2 (#2 in the code), yet they examined #1. At that time I had two questions about my NIT report: 1) Why are the session ids different, when they should be the same? 2) Why is the browser reporting the previous page as the current page? The shills’ report answered neither of my questions and promoted the FBI’s nonsense that the NIT was just a flash application. From the code snippets they provided, I could tell (as a PHP expert) that they were showing code from a PHP software program called PHPBB. At that time I could deduce two things about their report: 1) The shills were lying, the code they proclaimed generated my session ids could not be the code they were showing (as it would produce identical ids, not different.) 2) They were dishonestly parroting the FBI’s nonsense about the NIT just being a flash app. When I e-mailed my CJA attorney my concerns it fell on deaf ears, so I fired him to fire the shills.

In April of 2015, Becker is not sure if the shills will be retained for the second NIT examination. So, he flies to the WDNY to obtain an indictment with the tainted evidence seized from my residence on April 9, 2013. The evidence was tainted because the search of my home was improper, which the government admits. There was also strong circumstantial evidence (only circumstantial because no defense expert ever examined my Linux computer) of planting evidence on my Linux box. At this time (April) I have 3 CJA lawyers, Gross & Howard in Nebraska and Slawinski in New York & five computer experts, Podhradksy, Miller, Stroschein & Kasel in NE & Gerry Grant in NY. None of the lawyers notice that the NIT warrants are for Nebraska and Elsewhere (forbidden at the time) and none of the experts examine my Linux computer, which is direct evidence of the conspiracy.

In May of 2015, I point out the problems with the evidence (fraudulent NIT Report & tainted evidence) to Slawinski and Grant in WDNY. They do nothing… Meanwhile in NE, my new CJA Howard, refuses to fire the shills and hire Mercuri and refuses to discuss it.

In June of 2015, the shills produce their second report. It contains, objective facts in the form of figures, gives knowingly incorrect answers to my questions and continues to parrot the government’s (now ridiculous) assertions that the NIT is just a flash app (their figures prove that this is not true). I now know I’m being railroaded and am desperate to stop it, but the shills and my attorneys thwart my efforts.

In July of 2015, I know I’m being railroaded and that my Daubert hearing will be the only way to stop this runaway train. I share the shills nonsensical report with any “expert” who will read it. They all agree it’s nonsense. One agrees to produce a small report (for free) and sends it to Howard, he ignores it. The shills continue to agree with the FBI’s now criminal assertion that the NIT was just a flash app, so my last defense is obliterated by the shills lies. My hearing will just be about the lost flash source code, whose function has no bearing on the NIT data validity.

On August 3, 2015, I’m helpless to stop my railroading thanks to the shills false testimony. (Confirmed in 2016 – See below) I’m coerced into taking a conditional plea (preserving my right to appeal the admissibility of the bogus NIT report). But that appeal is useless because it’s based on the false premise that the NIT was just the flash application, so it was destined to fail.

On December 16, 2015, I try to withdraw my plea for a “fair and just reason”, arguing that I was coerced into it based on the false testimony of all the experts, including mine. The judge denies it, because he believes all the lies.

On May 25, 2016, Unknown to me (as I’m in prison), the shills produce their final (third) report on the NIT. It still contains lies (they’re still ignoring that Tinyboard’s ‘visitors’ table is NOT legit), but much less than their previous two reports and many new facts & figures appear for the first time. Figures 3, 4 & 5 show that most of the information in the ‘visitors’ table was falsified. Figure 6 shows that the exploit wasn’t only a flash app, but Java and Javascript were also available. Figure 7 shows that javascript would have to be enabled to load the flash app on TB2. Figure 8 shows how the cipher text was created. Figure 9 shows that flash made a DNS query to and that the flash app would have 20 seconds to open the connection. (Actionscript has a default 20 second timeout for socket connects that can only be modified by ‘socket.timeout’. Since it isn’t in the code, the 20 second timeout was in play.) Figures 12 & 13, show that there is an impossible time gap between loading the flash app and each socket connection (39 seconds for index.html and 63 seconds for 1481.html)

Also, in the text of the third report, the shills (as first noted here) report that: “The DNS requests go over UDP and thus they can be spoofed. However, the cornhusker log indicates that DNS request was made via the the proxy server and thus that data was not logged in this case.” They also note what I’d been insisting all along: “Another scenario is one which an actor that knew that the Tor Hidden Service site was deanonymizing users. The requests for the pages 1481.html and index.html could have been placed inside of hidden iframes within other legitimate Tor websites.” But then lie: “We found no evidence to suggest that this occurred.” I think the fact that the time gaps for socket connections were impossible is what most people would consider a “clue”. No wonder they refuse to discuss this.

Now, I wait for my FOIA litigation to obtain more evidence of this – now confirmed – conspiracy against me…

bookmark_borderFOIA and WOW Update

So, today I’ll be mailing/filing my motion for a preliminary injunction against the government for intentionally delaying my receipt of the documents I requested. Which leads us to the WOW update.

So, one of the many problems with my NIT report is the long gaps between loading the html file (and the flash app) and the flash apps communication with another server via a socket connection.

Well, I found the answer. As the link verifies, those time gaps of 39 & 63 seconds are impossible with flash player 10 or later:

In Flash Player 10, ActionScript Socket and XMLSocket objects, all securityError events will be sent after a predefined amount of time has elapsed since the call to connect(). The predetermined timeout is 20 seconds by default but can be specified by ActionScript developers using the new Socket.timeout and XMLSocket.timeout APIs. If the timeout elapses and no connection has been established, the connection attempt will be aborted and a securityError dispatched.

Note: This change affects SWF files of all versions played in Flash Player 10 and later. This security change can potentially affect any SWF file that uses the Socket or XMLSocket classes. This change affects all non-app content in Adobe AIR (however, AIR app content itself is unaffected).

Adobe Link above (answer).

bookmark_borderWOW – OMG – WOW

So I may have found THE SMOKING GUN. In 2016 my shills published an academic paper (click link) that contradicts their first and second reports made to the Court(s). Four revelations stand out:

  1. The DNS requests go over UDP and thus they can be spoofed. However, the cornhusker log indicates that DNS request was made via the the proxy server and thus that data was not logged in this case.
  2. There is no guarantee that the request made from gallery.swf was made by the same client that requested the Tor Hidden Service. Outbound connection monitoring would make it trivial to de- duce that something unusual was happening. Suppose that gallery.swf were to be placed on another website and given the same id parameter. Then the connection to cornhusker would have logged an inaccurate IP address.
  3. Another scenario is one which an actor that knew that the Tor Hidden Service site was deanonymizing users. The requests for the pages 1481.html and index.html could have been placed inside of hidden iframes within other legitimate Tor websites. We found no evidence to suggest that this occurred.
  4. The cornhusker server was unavailable for our analysis. Therefore we were unable to analyze any access controls that were in place for that server.
Miller, Matthew; Stroschein, Joshua; and Podhradsky, Ashley, “Reverse Engineering a Nit That Unmasks Tor Users” (2016). Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law. 10.

I’m not an expert when it comes to DNS, but number 1 appears VERY suspicious to me. And I’ve been arguing 2 – 4 all along, pissed to see they agree AFTER they lied at the Daubert hearing and in their first two reports. No wonder they refuse to talk to me. And I totally LOL’d when I read We found no evidence to suggest that this occurred for #3. That’s because they deliberately ignored the evidence! (There are 39 & 63 second delays between loading index.html & 1481.html and flash executing the socket connection. WOW-OMG-WOW)

bookmark_borderSo That Happened

I guess I should have expected stalling from the DOJ in regards to my FOIA request. Especially since they’re “under the gun” for various improprieties. As the GOP has become a quasi-criminal organization, headed by a semi-successful mobster. That “mobster” is now under indictment (as I predicted) in FOUR jurisdictions, (Federal, Federal, State & State) and he’s likely to eventually be convicted of all counts in all jurisdictions. So it is what it is…

In FOIA news, I will be filing a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction on Monday, requesting that the Court order the DOJ to give me the documents I requested by September 30, 2023. My Prayer for Relief includes a quote from my new favorite book, that I’ll end this brief post with:

A sense of justice is central to human endurance. No matter what wrongs we suffer or misfortunes we withstand, the belief that justice will ultimately prevail is part of what keeps us going.

Jed Rakoff

bookmark_borderHow the DOJ Railroads People

Jed S. Rakoff (a Senior Federal District Court Judge) wrote a book titled Why The Innocent Plead Quilty and The Guilty Go Free in 2021. It should be required reading for all Americans; but, it’s a must read if you want to understand how the DOJ (and its components) railroads Kirk Cottom, Jim Larkin and others.

At the beginning of chapter 2 he rejects the mythos: The criminal justice system in the United States today bears little relationship to what the founding fathers contemplated, what the media portray, or what the average American believes.

He then goes on to explain that our system has devolved into a system of unfair plea bargains. He notes that when the cases are not dismissed for other reasons, 97% of federal cases are resolved with plea agreements & those agreements determine the possible sentences. He explains that those plea bargains are unfair because they put the defendant at a distinct disadvantage because the prosecutor has all the cards and the defense has none. The prosecutor often has a complete police report, witness interview transcripts, grand jury testimony transcripts & forensic reports. This inherent knowledge advantage usually makes the prosecutor overconfident in his case.

Judge Rakoff notes that the defense attorney is often flying blind against an overconfident prosecutor when plea negotiations begin shortly after the defendant is arrested. This power imbalance is then further exacerbated by the mandatory minimums a lot of laws impose & the draconian sentencing guidelines enacted in 1984. This results in the prosecutor offering defense counsel an offer to plead to a lower offense than the prosecutor will charge if they reject the initial plea offer. Judge Rakoff – and anyone with a rational mind – rejects the Supreme Courts nonsense that this plea bargaining process is a “fair and voluntary contractual agreement between two relatively equal parties”. It’s a shakedown, where the prosecutor inflicts its will on the defendant. Judge Rakoff then notes that many people choose to plead guilty because they are guilty but he also notes, because of our terribly flawed system, too many innocent people plead guilty because they have no confidence that a corrupt system would (or could) exonerate them and choose to cut their losses.

This is how Kirk Cottom got railroaded into a conditional plea. As readers know, I’ve been trying to get the specifics for over two years now. The corrupt system likes to keep its secrets. I took a conditional plea because the only evidence against me was the NIT Report and I was sure it was 1) Falsified & 2) inadmissible at trial.

On page 30, Judge Rakoff finally gives me an explanation about how my plea agreement ended up so vague. …in situations in which the prosecutor and the defense counsel recognize that the guilty plea is somewhat artificial they will jointly arrive at written statement of guilt for the defendant to agree to that cleverly covers all the bases without providing much detail.

That explanation provides compelling evidence for why the shills and my attorneys refuse to answer any questions about their participation in Becker’s conspiracy. The Judge also notes that the DOJ knows that most of the “forensic sciences” are not science at all. And also points out the a lot of eyewitness testimony is garbage.

Finally, Judge Rakoff also explains how the falsified and fabricated TB2 NIT Report got “admitted”, Judges have an unconscious bias to allow the prosecutor to admit their crap evidence. Ultimately my case revolves around Becker’s conspiracy to hid the facts about the TB2 NIT Report.

bookmark_borderProsecutorial Discretion is a Menace to Society

On July 8, 2013 in the Columbia Law Review, Glenn Reynolds declared: Prosecutorial discretion poses an increasing threat to justice. The threat has in fact grown more severe to the point of becoming a due process issue. He then proved his point by revealing a disgusting game played by zealots working in the Southern District of New York’s US Attorney’s Office, where they would name a famous person – Mother Teresa or John Lenon – and decide how he or she could be prosecuted.

It would then be up to the junior prosecutors to figure out a plausible crime for which to indict him or her. The crimes were not usually rape, murder or other crimes you’d see on [TV] but rather the incredibly broad yet obscure crimes that populate the U.S. Code…

Tim Wu – American Lawbreaking, Slate (October 14, 2007)

Which leads to the fact that Attorney General (and former Supreme Court Justice) Robert Jackson was correct when he envisioned that “If a prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases, it follows he can choose his defendants. This method results in the most dangerous power of the prosecutor, that [they] will pick people [they] think [they] should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted.” And that mentality has lead us to this:

The result of over criminalization is that prosecutors no longer need to wait for obvious signs of a crime. Instead of finding Professor Plum dead in the conservatory and launching an investigation, authorities can instead start an investigation of Colonel Mustard as soon as someone has suggested he is a shady character. And since, as the game Wu describes illustrates, everyone is a criminal if prosecutors look hard enough, they are guaranteed to find something eventually.

Glenn Reynolds – Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process when Everything’s a Crime

And this is why surveillance is such a serious problem. As pointed out in We See It All our liberty is in serious jeopardy. And as my case proves, overzealous & unethical prosecutors (not the police) are a clear and present danger to society because ultimately police have no power, if the prosecutor drops the case that’s the end of it. So if prosecutors wants to stop police misconduct all they have to do is drop cases; however, there are currently very few checks on prosecutorial power and misconduct and we as a society need to address that fact.

bookmark_borderA Quote for Today

As mentioned before on this blog, our criminal justice system is broken. And it’s mostly the “conservatives” fault. The Warren court gave us all of our cherished “rights” and the conservative courts since have embarked on a mission to take all of those cherished rights away.

Back in 1969, our justice system had just become more just (Again, thanks to the Warren Court). In Scott v United States, 135 US App DC 377; 419 F2d 264, 276 (1969) Chief Judge Bazelon opined:

The prosecutor clearly cannot have carte blanche to apply whatever tactics he wishes to induce a guilty plea. A policy of deliberately overcharging defendants with no intention of prosecuting on all counts simply in order to have chips at the bargaining table would, for example, constitute improper harassment fo the defendant.

See People v White, 390 Mich 245, 258-259 (1973)

Overcharging is just one of the many problems with our unjust system of justice.

bookmark_borderBitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme

So on Bill Maher last night, this happened. The link takes you to a snippet video (on YouTube) of Bill’s guest saying what I’ve thought (known) about crypto currencies since their inception in roughly 2009 – they are a “kind” of “Ponzi scheme“. I say “kind of” because it’s not exactly a ponzi scheme but for lay people it’s the best way to describe what is happening with these “currencies”.

First, labeling these “things” (there not actually things, they are imaginary “securities“) as a currency is a bold face lie, these things are actually just “stocks” in an algorithm that are either mined via the rules of the algorithm or bought from an exchange and the records of all “owners” are recorded on a blockchain. (That isn’t really anonymous.)

Second, technically they should be labeled “securities” but they should be also marked as “junk status” securities. So, you’ve been warned.