For anyone who doubts the vindictiveness of the DOJ, one needs to look no further than the case. But there are plenty of other examples, like this decade old case against Aaron Swartz. Sadly, like Aaron, Jim Larkin committed suicide before this third ridiculous trial began.
As you can see from the case link above, the Judge in this third trial has thrown out most of the remaining charges against Lacey (because they are baseless) and proves that Kamala Harris is not a good person.
But since our justice system is severely corrupt, there will be no consequences for any of them. Just look at my open Letter to Josh Stroschein, who can face no consequences for his misdeeds in my case but refuses to engage in a dialog.
Update 8-30-2024: So it looks like the Injustice Department got its pound of flesh from Michael Lacey via their Backpage persecution. This case – among many others (including mine) – proves that most of America’s criminal justice activities are like those of any authoritarian police state (e.g. over-criminalization & zero accountability for prosecutor misconduct).
Hopefully, Mr. Lacey will be exonerated on appeal, but in a system as corrupt as ours, I wouldn’t bank on it.