Open Letter to Josh Stroschein Ph.D

Hi Josh:

I’ve been trying to get answers from your team (you, Podhradsky or Miller) for the last three years about why you helped the government railroad me. Podhradsky told me to talk to Miller & Miller told me to “go away”. I’m not going away, nor will I ever “let this go” until I find out what happened.

Last year, while doing research, I came across the paper your team authored regarding the FBI’s NIT for a conference in 2016. Needless to say, it angered me. Sections 2.6 & 2.7 were particularly infuriating. While I am an “expert”, I’m not at your level, but I knew that the FBI was lying about how their NIT worked and that you were actively helping them lie about it. (That’s why I fired Joe Gross Jr. to fire your team in February of 2015.)

The “smoking gun” regarding your team’s participation in this travesty of justice, is this sentence in section 2.6 – where you declare: 

The DNS requests go over UDP and thus they can be spoofed. However, the cornhusker log indicates that DNS request was made via the proxy server and thus that data was not logged in this case. 

As you surely know, that – in regards to the flash player – was impossible.

The proxy server was TOR and the NIT attack relied on the flash player ignoring TOR (thus making direct connections to Therefore, flash player’s UDP (DNS) & TCP (Socket) communications must bypass TOR. So the scenario your team omitted from your June 2015 report (where flash used TOR for UDP but didn’t for TCP) was such a HUGE RED FLAG – that FBI shenanigans were afoot – that experts such as yourselves must have withheld it on purpose. If you have a conscious, you should feel very guilty about that. Furthermore, in 2022, I had Nathan Zaugg (of Mindfire Technology) answer 3 questions that your team willfully refused to answer in your June 2015 report. Those 3 questions were:

1) Does Tinyboard have a visitors table?
2) Does Tinyboard issue session ids to clients?
3) Does Tinyboard track user activity in any way?

Nathan’s answer to all 3 questions was NO! That means that your team’s Figure I is perjury and that my conviction was totally fraudulent, without considering the NIT’s additional fraud (discussed above). As I told Miller, the statute of limitations has passed for your team’s perjury, and I cannot sue you for your lies. However, if you come clean about your team’s misdeeds (which my pending FOIA litigation may uncover anyway) I may be able to get exonerated.

So, if you have any decency, I would like you to answer the following 6 questions:

1) When and how did you become involved with NE case no. 8:13CR108?

2) Why did your team examine the wrong server for your first report (January of 2015)?

3) Why did you parrot the government’s lie that the NIT was just a flash application?

4) When and how did Attorney Joseph Howard keep you involved with my case (I desperately tried to fire your team because I knew you were lying)?

5) Why did you lie about Tinyboard Software in your June 2015 Report (Claiming the visitors table was legitimate & Tinyboard issued Session IDs to visitors)?

6) What did you communicate with Keith A. Becker about and when (Please provide dates so I can amend my FOIA litigation for these communications)?

Thank you for your time. I hope you’ll help me uncover your team’s part in railroading me…

– Kirk Cottom