As indicated at the top of the month, I filed my FOIA lawsuit on June first. About a week later it got the civil case # 23-CV-6307. Included in the envelope was thorough documentation from the clerk, informing me of how the litigation will proceed and a consent form for the case to be heard by a federal magistrate (instead of a federal judge). I filed out the form and returned it to the clerk.
As you can see my “COUNTS” in a previous post, something interesting happened yesterday with regards to COUNT 2. The request that was previously ignored by the DOJ has now been miraculously acknowledged and given a request number of: 301907607. Something that I found interesting was the fact that the letter informing of this, also acknowledged that they received my request on February 16, 2023. SO, they got my letter, stored it somewhere and failed to acknowledge it until I sued them.
Yep, crazy corrupt are they… can’t wait for their probably corrupt response…