bookmark_borderDOJ Bad Faith

Ryan Shapiro has explained how the DOJ/FBI loves to violate FOIA, indicating that you have to sue them to get compliance, which is ridiculous but so are a lot of things today. (I agree with the pardon for Ross and a lot of the January Sixers but not the violent ones, but I do agree with Trump on one thing, the DOJ is definitely filled with a lot of scum. It’s just a Pot calling the Kettle black situation, IMO.)

Anyway… Ryan explains why the FBI claims they couldn’t find the NIT Reports succinctly:

[T]he FBI has designed a series of “Failure by Design” FOIA search protocols. The FBI conducts its FOIA searches in such a way that the vast majority of those searches fail to locate the requested records, even though the FBI absolutely has those records. So, the FBI superficially appears to be in compliance with FOIA because it conducted a search, but it doesn’t have to release any documents because that search (deliberately) found nothing.

Not surprisingly the DOJ says they found 2075 pages responsive to my request for proof of Becker’s crimes; BUT, are claiming (in bad faith) they’re all exempt from disclosure due to various exemptions.

So, the Vaughn Index should be interesting. I think we’re definitely heading towards IN CAMERA INSPECTION.