bookmark_borderDiddy’s in Jail while Trump’s on Bail

Talk about a two tiered justice system. The reason Diddy is in jail is because two judges determined that he is a “danger” and a “flight risk”. Yet Trump, who is in similar legal circumstances as Diddy, is not considered a “danger” or a “flight risk”.

This, of course, is nonsense. (As the case against Diddy doesn’t look that strong.) Is Diddy a “good guy”? (as Trump opined) Obviously not; but, neither is Trump. Sadly, the case against Diddy looks a lot like the case against Backpage. Strong on moral condemnation & weak on actual federal crimes (it looks like there may be some state crimes).

The problem is that similarity situated defendants should be treated the same, thus since Trump is on bail, then so should Diddy. They’re both celebrities with little to no ability to flee. They are also “bad guys” would want to intimidate witnesses, but both won’t when watched closely. So the rational to keep Diddy detained is simply unjust.

bookmark_borderFOIA Update

In May (and then again in August) I sent AUSA Cerrone a missive asking about the status of processing my request (there are about 1500 responsive docs, I’m supposed to get 150 a month – so far I’ve gotten zilch) and both requests were ignored.

I guess I cannot expect anything until they’re required to give me the Vaughn index sometime in 2025. <huge sigh>