So I just finished reading Thom Hartmann’s “Hidden History of Big Brother in America”. It is full of very useful information among its pages. One thing of particular interest to me was his review of China’s “Social Credit System” and how all the systems are in place to implement it here, we just need a receptive government. (Authoritative President + Sycophant Majority Congress + Corrupt Courts = Dystopia)
I think my experience as a Second Class citizen after leaving prison suggests that we may already be living in that dystopia. Take for instance, NY State’s law regarding employment of “convicts”. It states:
An employer in NY state who employs 10 or more employees may not refuse to hire an applicant based on a prior conviction unless hiring the applicant would pose an unreasonable risk to property, or to public safety, or the conviction bears a direct relationship to the job.
NY Corr L ยง 752 (2019)
In my experience, all employers appear to be blatantly ignoring this law when it comes to me. But it is what it is I guess. But it feels like the social credit system is already here…