If I’ve learned anything from researching those falsely accused is that it takes a very long time to get the courts to vacate unjustified convictions. So I just have to accept that and keep on keeping on.
Month: June 2021
bookmark_borderDOJ Corruption
So I’m an avid reader of Techdirt.com and they are no fan of the DOJ, like me. And I found these gems to bolster my corruption theory.
Justin Shafer, was persecuted by the DOJ from 2016 to 2018. As you can read in the article, the coerced him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor so they could save face for persecuting him.
Techdirt has also extensively documented the shenanigans of the FBI, in their pursuit of incompetence.
If you have any doubts about there incompetence, just read these pages and remove them.
bookmark_borderFalse Narrative
This Table:
Does Not Support the Government’s Narrative:
On November 18, 2012, a user with IP address accessed “Website A” and was presented with different sections to choose from and access further, including, but not limited to the following: “pre-teen boys”, “teen-aged boys”, “teen-aged girls”, “babies/toddlers”, and “fetishes”. The user with IP address selected the section “PT girls”. After selecting the “PT girls” section, the user with IP address was presented with the webpage with the title “/girls/pt girls” at the top of the page. Several board image threads were displayed on that page including thumbnail images from various threads. One of the threads, thread “1481”, had the subject title “finger bum girl” and displayed three thumbnail images from that particular thread. The images displayed included images with the file names dsc03248, dsc03286 and dsc03287. The images ending in 286 and 287 are close up pictures of a prepubescent vagina being digitally penetrated. The thread could be accessed by either clicking on the link to the thread with the subject “finger bum girl” or by clicking on one of the three images displayed. The user with IP address then selected the 1481 thread with the identified subject, “finger bum girl”, and accessed a webpage that contained all the images available on that thread, consisting of over thirty pictures of a young girl, with many of them containing images depicting sexually explicit conduct. All the pictures would have appeared once the user clicked the 1481 thread with the identified subject, “finger bum girl”, or clicked on one of the three displayed thumbnail images.
Therefore, the conviction is invalid and is why I’m still litigating the matter today.